Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know

Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know

Motorcycles are quite a popular means of transportation in the world today. However, it is also a rather dangerous means of transportation if you do not have a firm grasp of driving skills. The article Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know will help you better understand safe driving skills.

Safe motorcycling skills

Balance skill

To maintain balance when riding a motorbike, you need to sit in the right posture: keep your back straight, knees close to the saddle, and focus on driving. In addition, the reasonable increase of throttle and decrease of the throttle also helps you maintain a balanced state when driving. In case you go on a slippery road with lots of gravel and sand, change the car to low gear and slow down to avoid slipping.

Traffic jams and traffic jams greatly affect the driver’s balance. At this time, you need to go slowly, pay attention to observe the traffic situation, and do not accelerate, overtaking can lead to collisions. In addition, you must fit lightly on the accelerator, just put your feet on the ground, and can support one or both feet to not fall or stagger the motorcycle.


At the corner of the road, if you go with two people, you should not sit too far apart between the person sitting in front and the person sitting behind. That can cause gravity to be scattered, leading to an imbalance. The person in the back should sit close to the driver, with knees close to the hips, and move in the same direction as the driver’s movement.

This is the first skill you need to master in Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know.

Use the appropriate number level

Another important safe motorbike driving technique is to use the right gear number. Unlike electric motorbikes or scooters, digital motorbikes require the driver to know how to shift gears to match the speed. This helps motorcycles operate well, be suitable for each terrain condition, improve performance, increase engine life as well as save fuel.

The principle of riding a motorbike is that if you go slow, you go to a small gear, if you go fast, you change to a large gear, if you ride a motorbike at any speed, let the gear stay at that speed. For example, if you go below 10km/h, you should go to 1st gear, go from 10-20km/h, go to 2nd gear, stop waiting for a red light, temporarily park, then return to gear.

Brake your motorcycle properly

In digital motorcycles, the brake system is only designed on the right-hand side, not on two hands like in electric motorbikes and scooters. The main brake of the motorcycle is located below the footrest. When you want to brake to slow down, the driver lightly presses the brake pedal. Brake slowly, do not brake quickly, which can easily lead to slips, falls, or danger to those moving behind.

Ride a motorbike when going uphill and downhill

When driving a motorbike with a gearshift on a steep or steep slope, the driver must return to a low gear. Do not change gears during the climb. When the motorbike is almost to the top, reduce the throttle slowly.
Motorcyclists reduce the throttle when the vehicle is going downhill, if the vehicle is going too fast, lightly press the brake pedal to make the vehicle speed appropriate. If the slope is too steep, the lowest number can be returned.

Safe scooter driving skills

Don’t use the accelerator and brake at the same time

This safe motorbike driving skill is very basic but sometimes motorists can still commit it, especially women. The braking and the gas will make the motorbike easily burn the clutches and clutches. This both causes the motorbike to consume gas and causes the motorbike to jerk and not pick up. This is further information in the Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know.

Start the motorcycle after the FI indicator goes off


The FI indicator light is the symbol of the electronic fuel injection system. After pressing start, the FI indicator will be displayed for a few seconds. You should wait until the FI light is completely off before turning on the gas to start the journey. This helps the motorcycle to operate smoothly, without jerking, and to save fuel.

Do not operate the scooter at too slow a speed

Many inexperienced drivers who are new to driving often ride scooters rather slowly. However, scooters use a water-cooled system, so running a motorbike too slowly can cause the temperature to rise, and the motorbike is both hot and consumes a lot of fuel.

Also, you should not adjust the temperature sensor of the cooling system earlier or later than standard. An engine that is too hot or too cold affects the performance of the motorcycle. Should regularly check the amount of cooling water as well as clean it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This is further information in the Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know.

Limit the use of the front brake

One more experience of riding a scooter is to limit the use of the front brake. The front brake of the scooter is designed on the right and is usually a disc brake. Most drivers are right-handed, so when facing unexpected situations, they often apply the right brake first. This can lead to the motorcycle skidding or falling due to the small diameter of the front wheel and the short travel of the shock absorber.


Therefore, scooter drivers should limit the use of the front brake, so using both brakes at the same time is the safest. This is a very important safe motorcycle skill that not everyone knows how to do that Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know sends to you.

In some new scooters, there is a fairly modern ECB concurrent brake system, which helps to distribute the braking force between the two wheels, using only the left brake (rear brake). Helps minimize the use of the user’s front brake.

Keep the speed steady, even the throttle

The frequent acceleration or sudden reduction of the throttle will make the transmission operate continuously, the fuel injection system must also change. Therefore, keeping a stable and even speed on the throttle will help the transmission be more durable, save fuel as well as help the motorcycle be safe. This is further information in the Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know.

Safe motorbike driving experience to know

Driving within the specified speed

Driving at the prescribed speed will help the driver to control unexpected situations as well as not violate the speeding violation in the Road Traffic Law. For motorbikes, the maximum speed in densely populated areas is between 50-60km/h and in non-residential areas is 60-70km/h. For motorbikes, the speed limit is 40km/h regardless of whether inside or outside a residential area.

Observe the rearview mirror

You can control the situations that come up ahead, but the back is uncertain. Therefore, looking in the rearview mirror is a Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know. Looking at the rearview mirror helps the driver to align the distance to keep a safe distance according to regulations, and signals of vehicles behind.

At the same time, every time you cross the road, or run through a bend, you must especially look in the rearview mirror to be able to drive actively and safely.

Change the oil periodically

Lubricant oil has the effect of lubricating the motorcycle, cooling as well as cleaning the engine. After a period of use, the motorbike will be dry with oil, making the motorbike no longer operate as smoothly and smoothly as before. Therefore, drivers should change the oil periodically to increase operating efficiency and increase the life of motorcycle engines.

Normally, the manufacturer will recommend that the driver should change the oil after the first 500km and 1000km in the subsequent changes. Should change good quality oil, do not change products of unknown origin that can damage the vehicle and reduce its life.

Stay focused while driving

This is a very important thing that the driver must pay attention to. Focusing on driving helps you to observe well, recognize the signals of other vehicles participating in traffic as well as judge bad situations that may occur. Do not use the phone, listening to music will easily distract you.

Hopefully the article Motorcycle Safety Guide And Skills You Need To Know will provide useful information for you.

Read more: How To Maintain Your Motorcycle