How To Ride Motorcycle Safely – 8 Things You MUST Know!

How To Ride Motorcycle Safely - 8 Things You MUST Know!

How To Ride Motorcycle Safely? Riding safely is primarily dependent on your brain. Your brain ensures your safety on a motorcycle more than anything you wear or ride. One in every 3 motorcycle accidents occurs because once riders are alone on the road.

The major cause in these and similar cases is a failure to recognize danger and/or rider errors such as over-it or cornering too quickly. Because motorcycles lack seat belts, everything is dependent on the rider – and that implies your brain. The most effective way to improve safety is to reskill your brain to avoid accidents. You can’t control what others do, but you can control what you do, so take charge as well as train yourself to ride safely.

How To Ride Motorcycle Safely

Here is the list of 8 things to How To Ride Motorcycle Safely you must know!

Have No Fear

How To Ride Motorcycle Safely: Fear compels you to wear a helmet as well as ride safely, but it is a liability on a bike because it impairs your ability to react. Fear steals your attention by causing tunnel vision and causing you to overreact to events. It’s a gremlin that lives in your head, not under your bed.

Indeed, if you travel by motorbike in constant fear, you should give it up completely. Yes, riding a motorcycle is dangerous, but so is life in general. People die while walking. And fear does not prevent death; it only prevents life. On a motorcycle, complete concentration places fear in the background.

Say “No Fear!” and mean it when you board a motorcycle. When you ride, train your mind to put fear aside.

360-degree vision

360-degree vision
360-degree vision

When riding, look at many cars ahead rather than just one. All-around vision differs from point vision, which is used to read a book. It is especially important on a motorcycle since it takes in everything in one go. When you don’t concentrate on a single thing and instead look to the distance, your all-around vision improves. So, when riding, instead of looking at the car in front of you, look at numerous cars ahead. If something happens with the nearby cars, your all-around vision will alert you.

If a car is arriving, you have to know how far and fast it will go, not whether it is a Holden or a Ford! This is done by your all-around vision for your whole field of vision! Train your brain for using your peripheral vision.

Don’t be in a hurry

The way How To Ride Motorcycle Safely is to decide right now that you will never rush through an intersection. Hurrying motivates you to move faster and take more dangers. It differs from speed in that an astronaut in a fast rocket does not need to hurry. When you plan, keep in mind that Life also has a plan, as well as its Big Plan always takes precedence over your small plan. Hurrying is pointless since you can hurry 99 times and be fine, then one day you will be slowed down for life.

This is especially true in high-risk areas such as intersections. Decide right now that you will never rush through an intersection. This one decision could one day save your life. When hurriers collide on the road, it is frequently in an accident alley. Train your mind to never be in a hurry.

Defensive riding

A defensive rider flows like water on the road, filling the empty spaces that others do not want. When riding, follow the flow. Adapting to other drivers despite road rights is defensive riding. A defensive rider flows like water on the road, filling the empty spaces that others don’t want. If water cannot flow in one direction, it will flow in another. Just as water flows around obstacles rather than against them, so should riding.

Riding safely means adjusting to other road users rather than confronting them. If an idiot swerves in front of you, don’t chase him down to give him the middle finger. Stay away from him. He’s an unintended consequence taking you somewhere you don’t want to go. Prepare your mind to ride defensively.

Be Present in Every Way

How To Ride Motorcycle Safely: The number one killer on the road is inattention, not speed or alcohol. Cell phones are much more dangerous than alcoholic beverages. Our brain can handle multiple tasks at once, but you can’t ride a bike such as this. Starting to think about something other than what you are doing right now constitutes inattention. Inattention is when you believe you are cool. Inattention is when you are thinking about when you will arrive.

Inattention occurs when you are angry. Because being mentally one is the cure for inattention, the first principle of riding is to be all in there. Train your brain to be fully present while riding.

Be visible

Be visible
Be visible

Allow others to avoid you by always using your indicators. On a motorbike, seeing is your best defense, followed by being seen. A driver can avoid you if they see you. The driver of the car did not see the motorbike coming in more than two-thirds of the cases. Some methods to be seen include:

  • Taillights. Always ride with your headlights turned on.
  • Visible Equipment. Wear a visible helmet and protective gear.
  • Strong Beam. When necessary, use your high beam.
  • A position that is visible. Ride so that drivers can see you better.
  • Key performance indicators. Make use of your indicators to assist others to avoid you.

Even if no one is around, always indicate once changing lanes. There will be no exceptions. It could save your life one day when you think no one is there but there is. Train your brain to be visible so that others will avoid you; all use your indicators.

Ride according to the weather

The conditions in which you ride include the weather, the road, day or night, the bike, and sometimes even your body when impaired by alcohol, drugs, or fatigue. Once conditions change the physics laws that govern riding, you must change your riding style! When it rains, stopping as well as cornering are much more difficult for a motorcycle than for a car.

It’s like playing checkers and then suddenly switching to chess. However, because we are creatures of habit, accidents occur when you ride as before during the rain – the circumstances have changed but your brain has not. Riding to conditions entails adapting to change – when you come across a patch of oil on a turn, everything changes!

So, how slow should I go in the fog? The response is as slow as necessary. Get off the bike as well as a walk if necessary. Train your brain to ride to the conditions, no matter what they are.

Create safety habits

Developing risky habits is akin to planning your own demise.

Motorbike riding is all about developing habits through repetition. If you must develop riding habits, make them safe ones. When we were in the Army, we always pointed our rifles in a safe direction, whether they were loaded or not. Developing risky habits is akin to planning your own demise. It is a good safety habit not to accelerate at intersections.

Another one is riding to the side of the car ahead, as has always been indicated. Safety habits may appear to be laborious, but a great habit is no more laborious than a bad one. And, once established, habits require no effort because they occur automatically. Take care of your habits, and they will take care of you one day. Train your brain to develop safe habits.

The bottom line

This is all about How To Ride Motorcycle Safely. I hope that the tips that we have shared can be useful to you when riding a motorbike.