How To Fix An Electric Motorbike – 5 Tips To Solve Quickly

How To Fix An Electric Motorbike - 5 Tips To Solve Quickly

How To Fix An Electric Motorbike? It always happens at the worst possible time: you go to begin your motorcycle, only to find it sputters and dies. Could it be the motorcycle battery or the regulator? If you have a newer motorcycle, it most likely has more complicated wiring than older models.

How To Fix An Electric Motorbike

How To Fix An Electric Motorbike
How To Fix An Electric Motorbike

So, How To Fix An Electric Motorbike? Here are some tips on diagnosing and resolving motorcycle electrical issues to alleviate your frustration and also get you back on the road with a fully functional bike.

Main fuse

The main fuse powers your bike’s whole electrical system. Even if your bike does not suddenly or entirely die on you, problems with the main fuse can express a shaky connection, resulting in poor bike performance. Excessive vibration as well as overall age are two factors that can deteriorate the performance of your motorcycle’s main fuse.

Do yourself a favor and purchase a backup main fuse to keep with you at all times while riding your bike. A string of blown fuses could indicate that your bike has another undiagnosed problem that is causing excessive amperage.


One of the first places to check after asking yourself, “How can I best identify my problem?” is your motorcycle battery. First, make sure your bike’s battery has been fully charged, which implies it has at least 12 volts when the lights but also ignition are turned off. If you recharge the battery but it still does not reach 11 volts after testing, one of the cells may be faulty.

You can also test the battery while the engine is running. This is a good idea to see if you can still use the battery after that measures 12 volts with it all turned off.

A motorcycle with engine problems can make it challenging for the starter to turn the engine on. Examine the battery cables to see if this is what’s causing the problem with your engine and battery.

The charging system should raise the voltage to at least 14.2 volts but no higher than 15 volts. If the voltage exceeds 15 volts, turn off the bike to avoid damage. What happens if the voltage falls below 14.2? This means that the charging station is unable to meet your motorcycle’s electrical demands.

The ground wires

Poorly functioning ground wires are one of the most popular electrical problems with motorcycles. Electrical components fluttering in and out and a motorcycle that won’t start are signs that your floor wires are failing. Learn where all of your bike’s ground wires are so you can confirm them yourself to see if they’re all grounded.

Utilize your service manual to assist you to locate all of them. You’ll be relieved to learn that repairing faulty ground wires is relatively inexpensive. Make them one of the initial things you check if your motorcycle is experiencing electrical problems.



The regulator/rectifier on your bike keeps the battery charged while also protecting it from damage caused by improper voltage. The inverter converts the AC output of the stator to DC so that it can be transmitted to the battery. The regulator protects the battery by controlling the amount of DC output sent to the battery and converting excess voltage into heat that can be safely bled off.

Detach the switch and wire the multimeter to the diode feature to test your regulator/rectifier to see if it’s the source of your problem.

Connect the multimeter’s positive lead to the positive diode on the regulator/rectifier. Then, using the negative multimeter lead, test all of the stator inputs on the rectifier/regulator. While testing the positive diode, make sure the meter is not reading; there should be no response on the multimeter.

Next, connect the negative multimeter direct to the positive regulator/rectifier diode, and then connect the negative multimeter lead to the stator inputs on the rectifier/regulator. When you reach the stator inputs on the regulator/rectifier, you should hear a tone or beep. Repeat the preceding steps to test the negative diode.


Any charging issues you’re experiencing with your motorcycle could be caused by the stator. This part keeps your battery charged by providing it with extra power whilst the bike is running. If the stator cannot supply enough power, the battery’s performance will suffer.

To begin, locate and unplug the connection between the start and the rectifier/regulator. The ohm setting on your multimeter should really be selected. Using the positive and negative leads on the multimeter, test the terminals on the stator by connecting A to B, then B to C, and eventually C to A.

Once you check all 3 of your terminals, it must always register less than 1 Ohm and all readings should be fairly close to each other. Any reading greater than 1.5 Ohms may imply a faulty stator. Next, reconnect the stator and rectifier/regulator, turn your multimeter to AC reading, begin the motorcycle, and repeat the above tests.

Each reading should result in approximately 16 volts. Increase the RPMs to around 5,000 and repeat all of the terminal tests. While significantly higher, the readings should all be fairly close.

The bottom line

When having an electric motorbike it is really important to know the problems that can happen to your bike and know how to solve them. I hope that this article about How To Fix An Electric Motorbike can be useful to you!